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Regular price £6.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £6.00 GBP
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A mix to help garden bats! Many of our British bat species are in decline, faced with less roosting places and declining food availability. They have massive appetites, and a tiny Pipistrelle bat alone can eat over 3,000 mosquitoes a night!

Bat Mix contains a special mix of wildflowers to attract a wide diversity of insects that bats feed on, including flowers that release their fragrance in the evening when bats are most active in our gardens. The mix also has a plants with a combination of long and short pollen tubes and a range of colours and shapes of flower to maximise the number of insects that they attract. 

Includes borage, cornflower, corn marigold, evening primrose, wallflower and night-scented stock.


We strive to ensure that all our products are ethically sourced. Ethical sourcing focuses on human rights, environmental impact and social impact. It involves making sure that employees are paid a fair wage; their working conditions are safe and clean; and all social and environmental aspects of production are considered. No products that we sell are tested on animals.